- Hodie Christus Natus Est
- Ave Maris Stella
- Pilgrim's Hymn
- Angel Breathing Out
As part of our campaign to make Chorale rehearsals more fun, Bronwyn is hoping she doesn't have to stop us, and stop us, and stop us to remind us, and remind us, and remind us, how make some of the basic vowel sounds etc. that we should all be working to make second nature. I would recommend you listen closely to the recording of Pilgrim's Hymn on the What Are We Singing page. That is how we should sing and sound. That recording is by the Dale Warland singers who practically invented Singlish and who Bronwyn considers the yardstick by which all other choruses are measured.
So please leave your Americanized English at the door with the language check person (no tipping please) and enter rehearsals in your altogether Singlish sound. Make the Bagaduce Great Again! Only Singlish sung here! (Note: no wall was built during the creation of this communication)