Bagaduce Chorale 50th Anniversary
Thank You Friends
Bravo! ($1,000 and up)
Michael Hewes
Fortissimo ($500 and up)
Jon Hopkins
Margaretta Patterson
John Wilson
Crescendo ($250 and up)
Tim Ensworth
Gerry & Dawn Freeman
Stephen Lindsay
Carole Spencer
Katherine Thompson
Caroline Werth
Ellen & Charles Newton
Sustainers (up to $249)
Julia Gilmore
Keith Hutchison
Leigh Kearney
Molly Felton
Nancy Lowry
Natalie Moses
Nikos Singelis
Paul McNulty
Paulette Coty
Ruth Lamdan
Sally Taylor
Steve Tarrant
William Anderson
William McArtor
Ann Sexton
Barbara Kourajian
Chris Raphael
Marty & Dave Ward
Dede & Steve Johnson
Elizabeth LaStaiti
George Zentz
Gitika Noyes
Janet Simpson
Bravo! ($1,000 and up)
Michael Hewes
Fortissimo ($500 and up)
Jon Hopkins
Margaretta Patterson
John Wilson
Crescendo ($250 and up)
Tim Ensworth
Gerry & Dawn Freeman
Stephen Lindsay
Carole Spencer
Katherine Thompson
Caroline Werth
Ellen & Charles Newton
Sustainers (up to $249)
Julia Gilmore
Keith Hutchison
Leigh Kearney
Molly Felton
Nancy Lowry
Natalie Moses
Nikos Singelis
Paul McNulty
Paulette Coty
Ruth Lamdan
Sally Taylor
Steve Tarrant
William Anderson
William McArtor
Ann Sexton
Barbara Kourajian
Chris Raphael
Marty & Dave Ward
Dede & Steve Johnson
Elizabeth LaStaiti
George Zentz
Gitika Noyes
Janet Simpson
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